Connecting with Nature in Winter
I love a bright cold day. Today is the first sunny day here in ... awhile, so I wanted to be sure to spend plenty of time outside. I started my day early, up with my fellow before 6:00 am, so I go in my tea and reading ritual before going for a sunrise walk. The waxing crescent moon shone brilliantly in the barely brightening sky, and I thought, "I have got to get out for a walk right now!"
That walk brought joy and peace, and inspired me to get writing for a few hours.
The sun continued is bright beaming, and the day kept calling me to come and play. I was tempted to ignore the call, "I have chores to do, and should get some more work in, and..."
Then I stopped my internal monolog with a smile, and a realization that a walk in the park would be best for me.
Am I ever glad I did hike through the woods and along the lake.
Winter wellness is a walk in the woods, face bathed in sunshine, and the company of birds.
What is the natural world calling you to do? How often do you heed the call? How can you spend more time surrounded by nature? Exposed to sunshine? Walking? Smiling?
Have fun.
BeWell, you deserve to!
The sun continued is bright beaming, and the day kept calling me to come and play. I was tempted to ignore the call, "I have chores to do, and should get some more work in, and..."
Then I stopped my internal monolog with a smile, and a realization that a walk in the park would be best for me.
Am I ever glad I did hike through the woods and along the lake.
Winter wellness is a walk in the woods, face bathed in sunshine, and the company of birds.
Have fun.
BeWell, you deserve to!
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