Travel, even to familiar places, disrupts personal routines and rituals. I become so immersed in the activity and people around me, that I neglect tending to my daily doings. I am at the folks homestead this week (that even after a year I cannot bring myself to call 'Mom's house', in stead of 'Mom & Dad's'). On day one of the visit, I sat and read and has tea on the porch, an important personal ritual that reinforces peacefulness and begins the day from a place of calm readiness. After tea and a chapter, I did my 'morning cup of yoga' stretches and breaths, which provides energy by focusing in on bloodflow and flexibility. I have incredible poor circulation and tissue damage (from Lyme disease) that inhibit my movement and cause some discomfort and pain. The morning cup a yoga alleviates pain and discomfort, increases blood flow and flexibility, and enables me to move and groove.
Since that first day, I have not done either the cup of yoga or read, at all. I have had many cups of tea.
The disruption of routine is balanced with a gain of family time - stories retold and new. Of adventures taken together, favorite places visited and new spots explored.
Selfies taken, not always successfully, but always filled with laughter.
New ventures tried, creativity ignited and special moments
Libraries, porches, stores, pottery painting studies, cemeteries, living rooms, kitchens and yards - all places we gather and enjoy each other.
Laughing, talking, listening, loving
Remembering, hoping, tending, knowing
So, while I miss my rituals and routines, I know I have gained so much from these moments. I could not have enjoyed or valued them more had I done my morning yoga or daily muscle strengthening exercises.
Nonetheless, I need to attend to and do the things that are part of my long term wellness plan whether I travel or am at home. I work them into my day, 10 minutes of yoga in the morning, 20 minutes reading and drinking a cup of tea, 5 glasses of water a day, and regular meals and snacks to moderate my blood sugar, all of these things help keep me well and healthy for all the family moments.
Writing is an important daily ritual that takes time to accomplish, too.
Since that first day, I have not done either the cup of yoga or read, at all. I have had many cups of tea.
The disruption of routine is balanced with a gain of family time - stories retold and new. Of adventures taken together, favorite places visited and new spots explored.
Selfies taken, not always successfully, but always filled with laughter.
New ventures tried, creativity ignited and special moments
Coloring, paining, crocheting, reading,
Laughing, talking, listening, loving
Remembering, hoping, tending, knowing
So, while I miss my rituals and routines, I know I have gained so much from these moments. I could not have enjoyed or valued them more had I done my morning yoga or daily muscle strengthening exercises.
Nonetheless, I need to attend to and do the things that are part of my long term wellness plan whether I travel or am at home. I work them into my day, 10 minutes of yoga in the morning, 20 minutes reading and drinking a cup of tea, 5 glasses of water a day, and regular meals and snacks to moderate my blood sugar, all of these things help keep me well and healthy for all the family moments.
Writing is an important daily ritual that takes time to accomplish, too.
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