Ongoing journey to wellness meet studying herbology

In my quest for wellness, and in my desire to support friends on their respective paths of (Jungian) bliss, I recently awakened to a personal path to bliss.
My good friend needed volunteers so she could accumulate valuable experience and catalog clinical hours. I happily participated (she has been most helpful in recommending an effective holistic protocol). An amazing unforeseen outcome, I have found the structured study of herbalism to be a marvelous 'fit'.  I avidly consume text after text, I am joyfully building my Materia medica. I am planting and tending to a variety of species. And I am infusing my life with rituals of healing - tisane steeping, tincture making, poultice applying.  My  meals are enhanced by the foraging of nutrient rich 'weeds' from my yard.
I am connected to all aspects of self in this new and encompassing undertaking - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically.  I spend hours actively gardening, thus moving, stretching, lifting, walking.... I also am drinking in sunshine and fresh air - balm to spirit, emotion, mind and body.
I am mentally engaged - learning, reading, analyzing, synthesizing....
I have a curiosity and passion for where this path is and will lead.

This afternoon, I took a break from studying (I got a new half dozen or so reference books from the library today) to clip back and gather rosehips.  Not only am I hopeful they will be useful in an herbal remedy, I found myself fondly thinking of many an afternoon spent pruning roses at the garden center.
The lovely yellow roses in my yard may now set new flowers and bless with colorful blooms.
Meanwhile, I head back to the yard, to my notebook and pen, and the current reference book to expand my growing understanding of herbalism.


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