Evokative - the power of poetry

I had forgotten how wonderous and uplifting poetry is. Our book group, we call ourselves Unraveled Readers, met tonight with the theme 'Poetry." The choice for the month was read a book of poetry of your choice, and bring some poems to share.
What a delight! To hear the other folks (women all, in our case), reading poetry aloud.  Each of us sat transfixed, listening, allowing the words to flow over us and seep into our psyche and spirit like spring sunshine.
We shared stories of our experiences with poetry over the course of our respective lives: the unpleasant memory of  being confounded by T.S. Eliot in high school, or the glory of having a poem published, or meeting poets, or the hand colored book of poems gifted by a sibling to a parent...
I felt connected to these women. Happy to share a love of words - the sound of them, the meanings, the beauty and truth poems tap into. Ah, what a lovely night.

I feel the creative fires burning - I am alight.


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