'bout timefor a book review - knits the thing

Hello all! As you know I love books, and knitting, so I am reviewing a book I recently bought. Stitch 'N Bitch: the Knitters Handbook, by Debbie Stoller. (link to a bit of a bio of Debbie Stoller)_
Wow, what a great book!! (yes two explanation points, for I am emphatic and excited in my opinion).
The book is sassy, smart and super fun to read. I sat down to peruse it and found my self reading. An hour later I was astounded at how fully drawn into the book I was as soon as I started reading it.
Debbie strikes and inviting, mildly irreverent, knowledgeable and engaging tone.
My niece recently started knitting, and this is a book I would strongly recommend she add to her bookshelf at home. The instructive sections, such as "what a girl wants, what a girl needs", discussing tools; "the knitty gritty", teaching basic knit skills; and others, provide solid, clear, comprehensive instruction with useful drawings.
I also really liked the opening chapters in which Debbie Stoller shares her personal 'how I came to be a knitter, and what got in the way' journey and the brief overview of the history of knitting provides a strong contextualization and connection to her as author.
The content is well-rounded, moving beyond personal narrative and instruction and delving into knitting community and fun patterns.
I urge you to give the book a look. If you want to buy it, here is a link (I have no benefit from you buying it, and I know nothing of thrifbooks as a company, so this is not an endorsement, merely, I am sharing the love).
I plan on making a few of the patterns from the book in the coming months (actually, given my knit pace and variety of crafts I undertake, probably coming years is more accurate) including: skully, under the hoodie, big sack sweater, and powerful wrist protection.
Let me know what you think of this book, the links, or if you have made any of the patterns from the book - what was your experience.
Knit on, folks!


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