Wind and Rain

February, my favorite month, is a time of change. The spring to follow is evident in the air and soil. Stepping outside I smell an earthy aroma released in the moist air as the soil warms from winter dormancy.
I notice tight buds on some shrubs and trees. The burst of early blooms has not yet happened, but evidence of shifts in season can be subtly spotted, if attentive.
As I walked home the the bus stop a few days ago, I was rewarded by the chance to hear and see the sandhill cranes in flight. A group of 10 - 12 of them regrouped above where I stopped and stood to watch their flight. I stood in wonder and awe of their migration and communication.
Sunset still finds the gathering of crows as the caw and cluster.
Birds, buds, and  the bringing of seasonal shifts is bliss.
Take a moment and drink in your surroundings; take a deep breath and feel the wonder of nature sooth your spirit.


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