after a remodel

Change and continuity exist in juxtaposition and flux. I sit at a newly installed window bar at the local coffee shop, which recently underwent a major remodel. As I look out onto the cityscape, which is also under construction - roadways, sidewalks, new buildings - I reflect on the juxtaposition of what was, what is and what will soon be. Change and continuity in juxtaposition and flux, like our inner lives.
I too am experience metaphorical renovation - demolition, alteration, construction. I have been recording my dreams of late, to explore the thoughts which occupy my mind even in sleep. I have been dedicating time to learning new concepts and improving skills.  I have been allowing quiet and stillness. I have been accepting limits and simultaneously exploring heretofore unknown options.
The coffee shop had to close the main serving area for weeks during renovation, altering operations to a small side room, and undoubtedly loosing sales.  Yet - the longer term goals held them fast to the renovation course. They had a vision, a plan. Over the weeks they experienced unexpected delays and challenges which mounted costs and delayed reopening.
So it goes with change - vision and plan may be thwarted, challenged, delayed - and yet one must persist, or give-up.
The whir of the frothing machine and the hubbub of various conversations in the background evidence a renewal of business, a return of customers, Comments about the change of space emphasize the newness. Change and continuity exist in juxtaposition and flux.
What aspects of your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual world are changing? How does continuity buoy you through the change. Where does the tension inherent in the juxtaposition impact you?


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