Once upon a browse

I spent two lovely hours browsing the local library biannual book sale this morning. Arriving moments after the library opened, I had full selection of titles in my chosen categories.
I existed out of time, wholly immersed in space and context, browsing as a form of flow. A soft focus. I did not notice the passing of time, so upon returning to my car, and clock, I learned of the 2 hour plus span that had passed.
At first, only a few browsers shared the meditative space, then more and more folks joined in, and the proximity and quick occasional comment added to the periphery. Book browsers are a quiet and focused lot, so that even a 'crowd' is no more than a whisper of presence.
I came home with 2 canvas sacks of books: 2 novels, a couple gifts for my very fine fellow, and a knitting book full of patterns inspired by Harry Potter universe, and a collection of reference books for various topics.

Even knowing I will be moving within 6 weeks or so, I did not refrain from adding to my collection. I am a lover of language, of ideas, of books, of reading... (insert shrug of acceptance and glee).


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