Writing - when inspired, and when committed to completion

A good friend of mine recently sent me feedback on a story I have in process. He provided clear, relevant, insightful, and constructive criticism after close reading of the story. I have been intending to revise for 6 weeks. Today I finally organized my time, energy and resources to the task.
I am proud of the story, a rendering of the Medusa mythos. I actually enjoy reading it as I revise, which is a boon and a barrier. Liking the story as it is currently written inspires me to keep working, while simultaneously hindering my ability to cut, change, and otherwise alter bits that I really like.

I hope to retain the aspects that make the story live, uniquely, while still improving its structure and polish. Such is the struggle of writing. An ever shifting draft, like dune sand.

Because I believe in the power of limits (nod to Decky, who used that phrase often in improve class at EMU), and in the power of intention, "Write it down make it happen," a quote from James, a colleague at HFY, I am going to state some concrete goals.

  • revised draft of "Quoth Medusa" will be completed by August 30, 2018 including changes based on the most excellent feedback from Zach.
  • I will print 25 copies of the novella (it is longer than a 'short story' yet not as long as a novel, so I dub it a novella for the convenience of label) to have to sell / share at events.
  • I will research myths and choose another female creature / character and begin a companion story by Sept 15, 2018. (I envision a collection of retold myth stories featuring first person narrative and exploration of female experience through the lens of the character and her story.)
I am apprehensive of the share of my Quoth Medusa, for it has graphic content and scenes of sexual violence. I feel the telling is handled with dignity and explores important concepts and power relationships. Nonetheless, it has 'adult content' for sure. I am proud of the work, so somehow I must navigate the apprehension, fear of negative judgement and vulnerability. 


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