Introductions and Explanations

Ok. I am undertaking this new journey. I have started a blog. Why? to serve as an access and converging point of many of my interests: gluten free / dairy free cooking, crafting, card and board game play, community and family.

My fellow thinks I should develop a cookbook. My bridge lady friends taut me as their bohemian brooke and I embrace that role.  I can envision myself with a small shoppe - serving tea and yummy tidbits, hosting board and card game nights, a reading space and even a bit of an odds and bobs curiosity shop.   The idea germinates.  In the mean time I shall post to the blog ideas, observations, ah-ha moments and the like.

I am writing for me.  I am sharing in case others are interested.   I know I have gained useful knowledge and be inspired to reflection from other individuals blogs.  Some known to me, my cooking niece, my friends in Ypsi, some unknown, linked from sites.

So, welcome to BEWell Bohemia.


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