Dog owner now, need more input

Since my Mom died, I am now he primary caregiver for her dear little dog. A dog of man years, little attention, and nervous demeanor, I strive to provide him a smooth transition through this stressful time. A week after arriving here at our home he is beginning to calm down. At first he became nervous and agitated any time we were out of his sight. Poor fellow, I think he was afraid of being left alone. He thrives on company and cuddles.
I am now researching resources to increase my knowledge of dog care, specifically herbs as part of his wellness plan. I am more than two years into my study of herbal medicine. I now turn that focus of study to include dog specific information.
To that end here is a list of resources I am compiling:

American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association -

The AHVMA states, on their website, their mission as
"The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association is the mindful leader elevating the veterinary professional through innovation, education, and advocacy of integrative medicine."

Books recommended on the AHVMA website in which I am interested:


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