Books, those wonderous entities

Since childhood I have been enamored with books - picture books, chapter books, novels, field guides.... all types of books!
I wrote and self-published a book in 2014, the culmination of a dream held since I was 8 years old, and wrote a autobiography inspired novel in my hardback locking journal. Wren & Ignacio is a fun read, with the lure of page-turning drawing you through the story (though you can turn virtual pages as it is also in e-book form).
I currently spend much of my reading time focused on the course materials for the Herbal Immersion Course I am taking through Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine. The folks writing copy for the materials are excellent, engaging, whimsical and wise women (for the most part, a few chaps contribute too). I love reading their observations, explanations, stories and instruction.
The school is currently offering a newly developed course Foraging course: Edible and Wedicinal Wild-Herbs, which I am looking very forward to in the coming months.
The recent Castanea blog post discusses regional field guides for foraging - so yay, a post about books!!
I will head to the local library in search of the tomes to peruse and review - always a joy!
As the snow piles up outside, another joy for me, I dream of books, foraging, forest walks, and lovely herbal medicine.
I find great magic in a snowy day. The evergreens bedecked with crisp white snow, the sky densely grey, and the ground soft, cold and white.


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