Radical self care

What a term to consider - radical self care.
I read it and I thought, 'Wow.' I mean, in some circles the idea of self-care is in and of itself radical.

Then I pause to think... if I move beyond that interpretation, what other layers of meaning emerge?
What actions of self care make it radical?
Radical, as is profound change?
Radical, as in unorthodox?
Radical as in 'cool'?
Radical as in rebellious?
Radical as in... all and any of the above?

I am on a journey to wellness. I am struggling with some oppressive and debilitating symptoms which persist in spite of time and attention.

So, I am stepping into the radical. I am embracing profound change. I am walking open-eyed away from the orthodox, the conventional. I am playing it cool. I am rebelling against the condition controlling my existence.

Time, persistence, and trust in my capacity to be well will improve my quality of life.


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