Persistence in Pursuits

I am exercising persistence in my publication pursuits. I set a personal goal of 'submit at least once per month". I proudly assert I have achieved that goal 5 consecutive months. Woot! Today I submitted various poems and a novella to 4 respective sources.

I review and edit pieces before submission, and I enjoy reading my work, which I think is important. I believe in the value of each piece, and an pleased with the product. That confidence and connection makes it easier to endure the rejection slips.

In addition to submissions, I now assert a commitment to writing consistently goal. I am deciding between a time goal (an hour a day) or a word count goal. I am mulling over the variables, motivations, and strategies so as to develop a realistic, achievable, and appropriately challenging goal.
I have been listening to podcasts centered on professional writing, and reading resources for writers, which both motivates and inspires me, as well as affording some excellent ideas and strategies.

I believe in my capacity for creativity and success. So, away I go. "[I] am off to great places, [I]am off and away. [I] have brains in my head and shoes on [my] feet." Dr. Seuss


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rick. It is satisfying, and one must celebrate accomplishments, even if small, or incremental, or not yet pinnacle.


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