Sunrise musings

7:34 am and the sun has crested the horizon, yet not clearer the treetops. A wee waxing crescent moon preceded the sun's ascent, a sliver of white in a slow brightening sky.
The orange of sunrise sky is a band across the horizon below the palest blue.
I again marvel at the beauty of the starting of a day. Flocks of crows cawed overheard, wings constantly beating against the cool air, winging there way whither know not I.
Now the neighborhood begins to rise - dogs barking, cars passing, and even a few pedestrians walking along the sidewalk.

My book (and of course cats on a lap) makes fine company of a dawn. I am re-reading a favorite, "Fellowship of the Ring" I have a small hardbound copy which I have read more than a dozen, nearly a score, times. The pages worn, the binding battered, testament of a beloved book.

Next I shall settle down to some writing, for I have 3 projects in process, each which beckons my attention. Also, some chores await, making ready the house for knitting circle guests tonight.


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