
When small instances, song lyrics, the color of the sky, snippets of overheard conversations,
tv show dialog, book passages, and, well, everything reminds you (me) of a person, a relationship, an experience, it is hard to move forward.
Or, maybe the reminders are part of the moving forward, with a new way of seeing the world cut like a facet in the lens of worldview.
So it is for me, now. Poignant reminders call emotions into being, and keep the puppet ghosts dancing jerkily on strings.

For example, a song from the closing of an episode of Felicity I watched while knitting a shawl of rainbow hued alpaca yarn had me stop, and compose this post.

"For a moment I knew you so dearly,
Looked into your eyes and into your life.

Everything is the way it is
Everyone is perfect in their imperfections

It is now, and it is here
and tomorrow is another now waiting to happen

For a second I saw you so clearly.

For a moment I knew you so dearly

Looked into your eyes, and into your mind."

Songs, like poems, capture such a breadth of experience, emotion, and thoughts in so few words.

The novel I listened to, "The Lighthouse Keepers Daughter" had many a moment that transported me to the recent past of my life, and hearkened me forward into moments of my life that may have been but shall not be.

Am I processing? Am I escaping? Am I wallowing? Am I grieving? Am I longing? Am I lamenting? Am I laughing? Yes, yes, yes, and so many other words too.

We humans are complex, this life is ever evolving and regressing, and exploding, and imploding, and static, and dynamic, and episodic, and cyclical - paradox, juxtaposition, tensiveness and silence.

I write these words, a means of processing. And you, blog reader, read them. Do they speak to you at all? Do they resonate?

Or are they so much senselessness strewn about the screen?

I do look back, later, and read my reflections. Sometimes insightful, other times so vague I wish I had said more, given more context, or clarity, or specificity. But, this is so very public a place  - into the cosmos the words go, so I try to frame my entries in truth, my truth and the inner truth of experience another (you) may identify with, see, explore. A shadow of the fullness of the experience.


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