Surreal & Wonderful experience
This morning, at knitting group, one of my friends plunks a book down on the table as she says to me,
"Sign my copy of your book, please," and flashes me a big grin.
I am awed, humbled, exited, and above all flummoxed.
My book, the book I wrote is there, on the table, in front of me. She bought (which I had known she did) and she is going to read it (which I know) and yet, seeing the book there on the table was.... surreal.
My mind whirled with, "what will I write!?" I was ill prepared for quippy cover signing, I had not foreseen this possibility at all - naive?
I maintained my composure, borrowed a pen and thought of something. The words, neither pithy nor poignant, were heartfelt and true, and only a little banal.
I have only sold 6 copies so far (2 of which to myself and my very fine fellow). Selling the story is strange enough (strange and wonderful) but facing the purchased book stranger still. And wonderful.
After knitting group I told the above story to my fellow and found myself on the verge of tears - what a momentous moment. I wish I had been able to tell my friend (in the signing of the book leave maybe, or in spoken word) what her buying, reading and having me sign the book meant to me. I still don't have the words to utter how I felt - but this post, in a small way, addresses - surreal and wonderful.
"Sign my copy of your book, please," and flashes me a big grin.
I am awed, humbled, exited, and above all flummoxed.
My book, the book I wrote is there, on the table, in front of me. She bought (which I had known she did) and she is going to read it (which I know) and yet, seeing the book there on the table was.... surreal.
My mind whirled with, "what will I write!?" I was ill prepared for quippy cover signing, I had not foreseen this possibility at all - naive?
I maintained my composure, borrowed a pen and thought of something. The words, neither pithy nor poignant, were heartfelt and true, and only a little banal.
I have only sold 6 copies so far (2 of which to myself and my very fine fellow). Selling the story is strange enough (strange and wonderful) but facing the purchased book stranger still. And wonderful.
After knitting group I told the above story to my fellow and found myself on the verge of tears - what a momentous moment. I wish I had been able to tell my friend (in the signing of the book leave maybe, or in spoken word) what her buying, reading and having me sign the book meant to me. I still don't have the words to utter how I felt - but this post, in a small way, addresses - surreal and wonderful.
the book can be purchased at: