
Showing posts from 2017

Books, those wonderous entities

"Christmas makes you fell emotional"

Radical self care

Mild thyroiditis, she says

Feeling groovy

Why don't I just give-up?

resonant recommendations

Sunrise musings

Long dark teatime of the soul

Mid November walks towards me with a smile and outstretched arms

My 'saved' queue runs long

Book commentarry regarding Peterson's Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern / Central North America

Crystals on grass blades

Bird silhouettes against a pale blue sky

The whirr of the furnace

Cozy room - for mnd and spirit

I love me some fall nature!

sharing recipes builds community

The unmaking

Meows of "feed me now!"

seed gathering and cloud watching

Tolerance... and compassion in human interaction

Letter writing

Once an early bird, now a night owl

Soup is good for the soul.

Even the briefest interactions

Wellness for the concussed

off my game.. like big time

knit, pearl, crochet - create!

Glorious shade of marigold

Burdock bounty

The yarn is in the mordant bath

TV free morning!

38 days and then some (think Ani Difrancos' 32 flavors)

Forming a plan, and getting underway