The yarn is in the mordant bath

And the petals are steeping....

exciting steps on the journey to hand dyeing yarn!

The petals I pulled from marigolds harvested in my garden. They are hues of vibrant orange that I hope will result in a soft orange (at least) yarn.

I divided a hank of fisherman's wool into small skeins approximately 50 -75 yards per small skein. I wanted skeins of manageable size to move from mordant bath to dye bath, and I wanted variety of color, thinking each will result in subtle differences.

I am experiment based on prior knowledge and some internet searching for details, which led be to the following page, whose mordant bath recommendation I followed.

I stopped at the grocery store after teaching today to pick up some alum. Had I had alum, I would have done the dyeing the day I picked the petals, rather than allowing them to loose some luster plucked and piled in the pot on a hot day.


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